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Why Does Alcohol Give Me a Headache? A Doctor’s Tips for Imbibing

Our long-standing history in the field underscores our commitment to providing compassionate and effective treatment options that cater to the unique needs of each individual. Furthermore, alcohol disrupts serotonin levels in the brain, which regulates pain sensitivity and mood. Hangovers vary in severity and symptoms from person to person and episode to episode. In addition, some people may be born with a genetic predisposition to developing worse hangovers than others. Dehydration occurs because alcohol inhibits the effect of a hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

why does alcohol cause headaches

How Can I Avoid Alcohol-Related Headaches?

why does alcohol cause headaches

It also impacts their families and communities and puts an added burden on the healthcare system. Reducing your alcohol intake is the best way to avoid these headaches completely. The ingestion of too much ethanol can cause an unhealthy imbalance of chemicals within the body, which over time may lead to more serious conditions than just a headache. It has been seen in many studies all over the world that one-third of those who suffer from regular migraines have noted that alcohol is one of the main things to trigger them off.

Helpful Information

why does alcohol cause headaches

For most people, a hangover headache will last no more than 24 hours, with many people finding that a good night’s sleep and plenty of water can relieve their symptoms completely. Unfortunately, some may notice that their headache takes a little longer to go away, this could be up to 72 hours. We have already discussed that a migraine is a common headache experienced after drinking alcohol, but the alcohol-induced headache may fall into one of two categories. By taking these factors into consideration, individuals can make informed choices about their alcohol consumption to minimize the risk of developing alcohol-induced headaches. Opting for top-shelf brands, sticking to one type of alcohol, alternating with water and food, and knowing your limits are all strategies that can help minimize the chances of developing a headache.

  • These experiences can dehydrate the body, putting additional stress on organs.
  • Hangovers occur when the alcohol levels in your blood drop significantly—frequently the morning after you drink.
  • If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breathing.
  • It can't prevent a migraine, but it can help stop one after it starts.

Sleep Disorders and Headache Disorders

If you aren't sure that alcohol is to blame for your headaches, try keeping a diary. Each time you drink, write down the type of alcohol you have, the amount, and if and when you had a migraine. Include how you felt the prior 48 hours as well as any stress or anxiety you were under at the time. A migraine each time you have a night out should be a good reason to abstain. But if you're prone to migraine headaches, you'll need to be careful about how much you drink. A 5-ounce glass of wine (or 12 ounces of beer or a 1.5-fluid-ounce shot) may be OK every now and then, so long as it doesn't bring on a headache.

The most common type of headache caused by alcohol is the delayed headache, which is seen to occur around 12 hours after drinking alcohol. While similar symptoms to the immediate headache are experienced, this type of headache is usually a more dull, throbbing pain. Additionally, people with a history of migraines may experience longer-lasting headaches after drinking alcohol. Understanding why does alcohol cause headaches how long these headaches can last can help you take the necessary steps to prevent or manage them effectively. Always drink responsibly—which includes minimizing the chances that alcohol will affect your migraine. Current medical opinions on alcohol consumption are evolving with research, so it’s important to educate yourself on the effects of alcohol on your health.

why does alcohol cause headaches

  • People can talk with their doctors about possible methods to prevent or ease alcohol-induced headaches.
  • PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts.
  • As this region changes activity throughout the day and night, it can spur both nighttime headaches as well as those when you wake up.
  • Alternative migraine therapies can work alongside traditional treatments to reduce migraine attack frequency and lessen the impact of symptoms.
  • Red wine is the type of alcohol most often reported as a headache trigger.

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