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Come funzionano le scuole in Finlandia?
Il 20/03/2014
Education is globally acknowledged as one of the cornerstones for the future. Education system in Finland has been proven to be one of the best in the world, scoring consistently at the top of different studies, even though the pupils study the fewest number of class hours in the developed world.
We often receive inquiries in how would it be possible to learn from the Finnish success story in education. As a solution, we have now launched the “Learn and Explore Workshop” to take place in Jyväskylä, Finland. This four-day intensive learning process will be held for the first time in April, providing the attendees with key information about the Finnish education and its special characteristics.
Learn and Explore, first workshop: registration on-going (23rd March at the latest)
Not able to schedule for April? The workshop will be repeated next autumn. Pre-registration on-going!
The workshop will also be carried out with a focus on vocational education:
Attractiveness of Finnish VET (a four-day intensive learning process providing you with key information about the Finnish vocational education and its special characteristics): registration on-going
Contacts for further information:
Kati Poikonen
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +358 50 440 79 76
Miia Nejlik
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +358 50 440 79 76
Leggi l'articolo di Benedetta Cosmi sulla scuola finlandese
We often receive inquiries in how would it be possible to learn from the Finnish success story in education. As a solution, we have now launched the “Learn and Explore Workshop” to take place in Jyväskylä, Finland. This four-day intensive learning process will be held for the first time in April, providing the attendees with key information about the Finnish education and its special characteristics.
Learn and Explore, first workshop: registration on-going (23rd March at the latest)
Not able to schedule for April? The workshop will be repeated next autumn. Pre-registration on-going!
The workshop will also be carried out with a focus on vocational education:
Attractiveness of Finnish VET (a four-day intensive learning process providing you with key information about the Finnish vocational education and its special characteristics): registration on-going
Contacts for further information:
Kati Poikonen
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +358 50 440 79 76
Miia Nejlik
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +358 50 440 79 76
Leggi l'articolo di Benedetta Cosmi sulla scuola finlandese