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Kirsi-Marja Metsähuone al Circolo Scandinavo | Roma, 13.12

Sabato 13 dicembre 2014 alle ore 16 il Circolo Scandinavo di Roma ospita i consueti incontri con gli artisti nordici. Tra gli invitati l'artista finlandese Kirsi-Marja Metsähuone.

Ecco una sua breve introduzione:

KirsiMarja Metsähuone works with film, video, photography and collage. Her short films, videos and photographs have been shown widely in exhibitions and festivals e.g. in the United States, Finland, Italy, Spain, France, England.

Themes of work include human interaction, urban action, feminist issues, juxtaposing the incompatible, decay, memory, body, identity, deconstruction.
Metsähuone holds a B.F.A. degree in experimental film, video and photography from the San Francisco Art Institute in the United States. Her M.F.A. degree in media arts is from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts.