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Il legno finlandese nel design

Nel pittoresco villaggio finlandese di Fiskars è allestita, presso il Copper Smithy, fino al 20 settembre 2015 la mostra WE LOVE WOOD(s)! Un’esposizione nata per mostrare al pubblico la versatilità del legno finlandese, materiale locale, naturale ed ecologico, usato da designer, architetti, artigiani e artisti scandinavi, riconosciuti a livello internazionale, per realizzare una varietà di prodotti e oggetti di design dall’arredamento ai complementi d’arredo e agli utensili.

The designer and producer teams of the new WE LOVE WOOD(s)! products are: Timo Mikkonen and Heikki AskaLinda Bergroth and Antrei Hartikainen, Mia Cullin and Petri KoivusipiläSusan Elo and Rudi MerzSaara Renvall and Marco EscartinKristian Gullichsen and Heikki AskaSimo Heikkilä and Arto SalminenPekka Helin and Hannu RaatikainenMari Isopahkala with Kari Virtanen and Matti SöderkultalahtiManthey Kula and Kari VirtanenLaura Mattila and Mikko MerzTuula Pöyhönen and Rudi MerzKarola Sahi and Markku SoinioBen af Schultén and Kari VirtanenPetri Vainio and Heikki Aska. Cabinet makers Minja KolehmainenRudi Merz, Tuulia Penttilä, Matti Söderkultalahti and Kari Virtanen have also both designed and produced some of their products. The participants are architects, interior architects, carpenters, cabinet makers and wood artisans varying in age from twenty to eighty. That so many of them are women is most delightful, for both craft and design are generally thought to be male-dominated.

The multidisciplinary WE LOVE WOOD(s)! exhibition studies the essence of wood from many fascinating perspectives. The works on display include the “Maisema” (Landscape) series of carborundum drawings by painter Jukka Mäkelä, a forestal sound installation by artist Ron Nordström, works of wood by sculptor Martti Aiha and the Norwegian sculptor Knut Wold. The local artist Piitu Nykopp’s work “Kiitos Metsä!” (Thanks to the Forest!) is placed along the Fiskars  arboreal path. In Karin Widnäs’s ceramic spruce branches one can see the bark beetle’s mysterious, decorative paths, while artist Howard Smith has created individual small sculptures out of found pieces of wood. Sound artist Olli Kari has made an installation using wooden instruments that play with the subtle frequencies of wood itself. In June, the performance of Saine Ensemble, “Trees always grow upwards?” gathers the audience at the base of the oldest oak tree in the village.

The participants of the exhibition are: Martti AihaHeikki AskaNanna BayerLinda Bergroth, Mia CullinKirsti DoukasSusan EloMarco EscartinKirsi GullichsenKristian GullichsenLulu HalmeAntrei HartikainenSakari HartikainenSimo HeikkiläPekka HelinMiisa Hüter, Teija Isohauta, Mari Isopahkala, Olli KariMinja KolehmainenPetri KoivusipiläKotaro KuboManthey KulaMattila & Merz, Rudi MerzTimo Mikkonen, Jukka Mäkelä, Jussi NordbergRon NordströmPiitu Nykopp, Tuulia PenttiläTuula PöyhönenHannu RaatikainenSaara RenvallJenni Roininen, Kristian SaarikorpiKarola SahiSaine EnsembleArto SalminenBen af SchulténHoward SmithMarkku SoinioMatti Söderkultalahti, Petri VainioKari VirtanenKnut Wold, Laura Väre, Ines Wartiainen and Karin Widnäs. Saine Ensemble’s performance, included in the accompanying programme: choreography, dance  Annatuuli Saine; script, direction, acting Kati Outinen; violin Jan Söderblom, percussion Olli Kari and photography Mika Tertsunen.

Working group members: Kirsi Gullichsen, project manager and exhibition architect, Cati Aiha, exhibition secretary,  Petri Koivusipilä, cabinet maker, Kari Virtanen, cabinet maker; expert members:  Susan Elo, designer, Pekka Helin, architect,  Leena Kuumola, critic, and Kari Selkälä, VP and Head of Business Real Estate at Fiskars. Business collaboration: Tuula Saari; social media assistant: Heidi Valkola; graphic design: Jonatan Eriksson; media communications: Aila Svenskberg. Corporate collaborators: Nordea Private Banking, Artek and Fiskars Oyj. Sponsors: the Askon Säätiö foundation, the Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation, the Swedish Kultural foundation in Finland and the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Supporters (products and know-how): Architonic, BACSAC, GardenShop Tahvoset, Fiskarin Laatupuu Oy, Friman Matkat, Habitek, Kekkilä Oy, LähiTapiola Etelärannikko, Lönnberg Print & Promo, Nikaksi Oy, Nikari Oy, Olof Ekman Oy Ab, Quantum Beverages Oy, Salon seudun ammattiopisto and Tikkurila Oyj.



Open daily 11–18

Copper Smithy, Fiskars, Finland

Further information: www.onoma.org,  www.welovewoods.com

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