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Helsinki Design Week 2015

Il tema dell’edizione 2015 della rinomata Helsinki Design Week (3.-13.9.2015) è “Time Machine” ed è focalizzato sulle città e il loro futuro. Con l’occasione Design Driven City organizzerà insieme a Helsinki Design Week una serie di eventi per presentare la funzione e l’utilizzo del design nelle città.

The events, organized by Design Driven City and Helsinki Design Week, will present lessons learned and look for inspiration for the future of city design. The new venues of the largest design festival in the Nordic countries – the Jätkäsaari district, the National Museum and the Vallisaari island – will send visitors on a journey in time, both to the past and to the future.

Design thinking has become a permanent part of the development of cities over the past ten years. Design is used to develop public services, to build the identity of cities and to solve the challenges of cities.

Per conoscere il programma completo degli eventi organizzati in occasione di Helsinki Design Week 2015 visita il seguente sito web:


Info by:

Design Driven City 2015   www.designdrivencity.fi

Foto credits: © Paul Williams